DEVTALK #advertising #nfts

Beta Testers Wanted (freebies)

So we’ve been putting in some time testing on our end but now its time to continue with development. Hence we are putting the word out: “We are looking for beta testers”. What will you be testing?

NFT Testing

Users will need to register for free to this site to be added to whitelist. Users will be allowed to interact with contracts pre-release (before the official launch date 2.4.24) . Users that are able to obtain a membership during the pre-release will be promoted to the next tier of rewards for their efforts.

Ad Testing

We’ve been testing our server load however we’re not 100% sure how the contracts will react. So far, its about a 4-24 hour delay before the image updates. As stated before free ads will run a maximum of four days (subject to change in the future) and paid ads are by donation and run a minimum of four days before being bumped by the next highest bid.

Paid Ads Delayed

We’re not accepting donation for paid ads during the pre-release.

Other Stuff…

We’re on X (formerly Twitter) but just minor updates while on the run. Maybe in the future we can run promotions there but most event notices, important news and feature updates will be posted and readily available here for consumption.

Also in the members’ section users that are active on the website can earn points towards freebies such as NFTs, Crypto and pre-paid ad spots. Thanks #waxfam and we appreciate you supporting this exclusive project on the wax blockchain.

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